Monday, March 13, 2017

Supermodel Emily Ratajkowski Walking Dog in Lingerie: New DKNY Commercial

Puppy + half-naked supermodel = marketing genius? There are two ways to get attention when walking down the street: walking a cute dog, and wearing only your underwear.

For most of us, the latter is not GOOD attention, but when you supermodel Emily Ratajkowski, you can get away with it. Here’s the new DKNY ad, and  if you look really hard (on the second or third viewing?) you’ll notice she has a dog:


Do you need another reason to love dogs?

Besides appealing to my lizard brain, I like that this ad reminds me that the dog doesn’t care. I mean, instead of a supermodel, this woman could be size 16 and 80 years old, and the dog wouldn’t judge.

Plus, I always think it’s funny that a dog is ready for a walk at any time, with no preparation or clothing needed. Everyone on the street could stop and stare, and the dog wouldn’t care. They would just keep trotting down the street, fully naked.

In fact, I’ll bet you a dollar that supermodel Emily Ratajkowski is less secure in her appearance than the dog is. The only thing that would dampen this dog’s mood on the walk is if it had to wear a cone (of shame) around its head. That’s why you have to love them!

So, what do you think? Gratuitous sexuality, or great marketing idea?

The post Supermodel Emily Ratajkowski Walking Dog in Lingerie: New DKNY Commercial appeared first on Celebrity Dog Watcher.

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